our chunkx blog

Check out our blog for background and updates on continuous learning, adaptive learning, micro-learning, AI, and how we’re using chunkx to amplify your learning.

chunkx creator
Florian Stieler

Tagging at the touch of a button

With chunkx, we want to sort large amounts of learning content in a user-specific way. To do this, it is essential to automatically analyze the learning content and relate it to each other. We use Natural Language Processing techniques to make this possible. Find out exactly how this works and what it means for our users, our learning app, and corporate training in this article. Have fun reading!

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Fairs, appearances, events
Florian Stieler

chunkx at Learntec 2020

Find us from 28-30.01.2020 at Learntec in Karlsruhe at booth N38 in the start-up area. What you can expect from us beautiful, you will learn in this article.
Picture credits: Messe Karlsruhe/ Behrendt und Rausch

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About our blog

We are pursuing big goals with chunkx:

  1. Learning content should adaptively adjust to the individual.
  2. Learning should be allowed to take place both in a focused and continuous way, without any organizational effort on the part of the users.
  3. Continuous learning needs a solution on how to connect many topics for users.
  4. It also calls for solutions on how we can use every little moment to learn and break down the bulky walls that often hide good content.
  5. chunkx should work for any topic and give authors the flexibility to create and edit content themselves without a service provider.
  6. Learning spaces must be arranged and the user experience must not suffer from the complex functions.

To achieve these goals, chunkx is constantly being further developed. We will keep you up to date via our blog and newsletter. We regularly explain why we do things the way we do and provide insights into our conceptual thinking. Are you particularly interested in something and would you like to learn more about a topic? Feel free to write us using the contact form.

Contact us

You are interested in chunkx? Want to learn more about the possibilities of using chunkx in your company or organization? Then write to us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.