
chunkx help & support

You have questions about chunkx? No problem, here you will find helpful articles about the chunkx app, the chunkx Copilot and the chunkx creator.

Important information for iOS users: We were able to fix the bug that caused the app to crash on iOS versions older than 17. We ask you to update chunkx to the latest version via the iOS App Store.

Tips & tricks for using the chunkx app for the first time can be found here. You can also open our FAQ here.

More questions?

Contact our support.


FAQ: Frequently asked questions and answers

1. who can I contact if I have questions about chunkx, chunkx Copilot or chunkx creator?

For technical questions that we don’t answer on this page, write to us at:
For general questions about how chunkx can be used for businesses or how to start your own Academy, you can contact

2. how do I change the content that is displayed in my learning sessions?

Your sessions will always display content and tasks from your subscribed channels. Under “Channels” and if you are a corporate customer under the logo of your company, you can select channels, subscribe and cancel. By the way, your data will not be lost: If you cancel a channel and then subscribe again, your previous results will still be taken into account.

3. where can I find already edited content?

Under “Profile” and then “History” you can see all the content you have already edited in the past. Since there are usually quite a few, you can use the keyword search to filter by desired terms. In addition, we show you whether you last worked on the task correctly or incorrectly.

4. i forgot my password, how can i login again?

On the login page and here you will find a link called “Forgot password”. After clicking on it, you will receive an email from us with further instructions. If the email does not arrive, please check your spam folder, maybe it has landed there.

5. i don't want to receive email reminders and / or push messages anymore, where can i disable them?

In your profile settings in the app, you can easily change the notification settings. Open the app and log in if necessary. Then switch to the “Profile” tab. At the top right you can open the menu and edit your profile. Once you get to the profile edit page, scroll all the way down and make sure there’s no check mark there for email notifications. At the end, please do not forget to click Save. Please note that important emails, such as when using the forgotten password feature or to prove learning goals have been achieved, cannot be turned off.

6. i want to delete my account in chunkx, how to do it?

You can conveniently delete your account via our app and web app. Simply navigate there to the “Profile” section and then select “Edit Profile” from the menu. There you will find the function. You can find detailed instructions here.