
New integration: HTML Widgets

Our famous feature to subscribe to learning content can now be easily integrated as HTML widget directly on your website, intranet page and learning portal. Just copy and paste code from our chunkx creator and go! In this article we explain the details and show you an example.

What is the point of subscribing to learning content?

There are usually already an insane number of learning opportunities in companies: Learning platforms, specially created courses, trainings, webinars, etc. They take place as one-off measures and learners then receive a maximum of PDFs that they will probably never look at again. What is learned is quickly forgotten and the impact for the company and the learners is manageable – especially when you consider how much time and money goes into such measures. With chunkx, we turn one-time learning moments into continuous learning experiences and make it easy to subscribe to learning content from important training. You can find out more about chunkx and subscribing to content here.

To integrate subscribing even more into our customers’ systems now, we have developed our new HTML widgets.

What are HTML widgets?

That’s what we call our small HTML code snippets that make it easy to integrate the function of subscribing to channels and learning content into other HTML pages as a so-called iframe. Such a code may look like this, for example:

					<div class="isf-container">
    <iframe src="" allowtransparency = "true" style="border:0;" title="Subscription form">
    .isf-container{position:relative;height:600px;overflow:hidden;width:100%;}.isf-container iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}

Previously, customers could already easily link their pages to subscribe to the channels. E.g. like this one:

But often learners are not supposed to leave the portal, intranet site, or website. Then you can use our HTML widget.

HTML Widget in Action

And this is what the whole thing looks like when you not only display the code above, but integrate it. Feel free to try it out and subscribe to this showcase channel from us. Don’t worry, there are no hidden costs either.

When course content is presented on a public or semi-public website, as above, the question naturally arises as to how the content can be protected. We have implemented various functions for this purpose:

  1. Domain Protection
    The admins of our customers can define in chunkx creator which email domains are allowed to subscribe to their channels. For example, for the Showcase channel, we could set that only users with an email ending in should have access. Our robust verification system ensures that only genuine owners of the registered email can access the content.
  2. Access restricted channels
    After we have already made the first restriction via the domain, in the next step we can also define which users should have access at all. For this, we can either define rules, such as that all users in my organization with the role “Data Scientist” should have access. In addition, I can also activate individual users for the channel in a targeted manner. Then, each time you try to subscribe to the channel, the authorization is checked based on the email address.
  3. One-Time Passwords
    To make sure that it really is the owner of the particular email address, we send one-time passwords that can be quickly and easily entered to authenticate yourself.
  4. Single sign-on
    If you would like to avoid public pages despite our security measures, we can also implement single sign-on based on the systems and authentication methods you already use. For learning management systems, for example, LTI 1.3 is a good choice. Just talk to us about it and we will find a solution.

When do you start with chunkx?

With chunkx, we’ve created the solution to turn your one-off learning activities into continuous learning experiences, including through our HTML widgets. Talk to us about your company’s learning culture, your challenges, and how we can help you with chunkx.