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chunkx supports

Scroll through our little intro to our learning app chunkx. Do you want to understand more precisely,
how continuous learning with chunkx works in your company? Then this way:
chunkx is more than just a learning app. chunkx connects all relevant learning content for users in a continuous learning feed and adaptively selects Mircolearnings based on individual knowledge levels. In addition, the topics are supplemented by further articles and updates, which can be found by our intelligent crawler and sent to learners at the click of a button. Combined with automated email communication, our chunkx learning app ensures regular touch points and enables continuous learning. There is definitely a lot to discuss about this, so talk to us 🙂
Our timeline summarizes the most important updates for the user for each of the subscribed learning topics.
Both via email and directly in the app , chunkx thus ensures the highest learning effect.
On the Timeline, authors have the possibility to send learners always up-to-date info on subscribed channels and learning tasks. In addition, users here will beprovided with recommendations of latest articles and studies in our learning app .
Users get automatic updates on their progress (e.g. learning goals), subscribed channels, authors as well as authors and the users youfollow in our learning app .
In our learning app, users are shown their complete data: How well do they perform on which topic? Where are there further learning needs? What learning objectives are open?
We protect personal data, so data from learning sessions is only presented to administrators in aggregate, either in chunkx itself or in other connected systems (such as an LMS). However, individual analyses, filtered by keywords on individual learning topics, provide much deeper insights than regular online training and enable targeted optimization or supplementation of learning measures.
Follow other users and be automatically notified when you have passed or been passed. Participation in the ranking in our learning app chunkx is voluntary and you can choose the name you appear with.
Within companies, channel-based rankings lend themselves to internal thematic campaigns (Cyber Security Week), for example. There are also motivating and individual badges and awards. You can find out more about the offer for companies here.
One thing is certain with the ranking: the fun of learning is maximized!
You are interested in chunkx? Want to learn more about the possibilities of using chunkx in your company or organization? Then write to us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
chunkx supports