Fulfill mandatory courses the specifications, but rarely the purpose!

You can do better! With our adaptive microlearning app chunkx you establish a sustainable and effective learning transfer of mandatory content.

Most training and development for mandatory content such as compliance, cyber security, ethics, etc. follows the same traditional learning approach. They take place annually in a standardized sequence and must be completed in the same way by all employees. After all, they are a decisive factor for the safety of a company.

But honestly, how much will you remember from your last mandatory training? Did you look forward to the annual reminder or think “not again”? This is how 90% of all employees feel. As soon as the memory pops up, the user quickly and mostly guessingly clicks through the didactically pre-planned trainings.

That’s why most mandatory workouts are considered a chore and are completed uninspired. An increase in competence in these security-relevant topics is thus nipped in the bud.

You want to learn more?
Read here how the National Anti Doping Agency transitioned its compliance training into chunkx and reached 750,000 edits in just six months.

You can do better than that!

Our way to innovate mandatory trainings

Continuous learning

What learning process ends with a final test? Mandatory training must be repeated for good reason. With chunkx, mandatory content can be supplemented with small moments of reflection for as long as users or companies want. Among other things, learning objectives can be set more flexibly and regularly in order to continuously repeat topics relevant to the company and safety and to ensure the desired competence to act.

Adaptive content selection

Time is precious. All the more important that learning content is as relevant as possible. chunkx works with flexible microlearning units that are dynamically selected for users depending on their level of knowledge. Our algorithms use learning tasks and self-assessments to find out where strengths and weaknesses lie with each app use. Thus, the continuous repetitions focus on the mandatory content that is relevant for the employees.

Connecting learning

In chunkx, self-directed learning is encouraged. This allows learners to decide for themselves how long and intensive they want their learning unit to be. At the touch of a button, they determine at the start of their learning session whether they want to devote themselves to just one topic (e.g. a compulsory course) or to several topics. As a result, topics no longer compete for the attention of users, but instead connect and reinforce each other.

Intuitive and clear documentation

Clear documentation in chunkx creator, our authoring tool, helps to optimize mandatory courses in a targeted manner: They break down learning needs in detail and provide information on the strengths and weaknesses of individual learning groups. In this way, content can be optimized in a targeted manner and supplementary learning courses, face-to-face seminars or other learning measures can be designed with pinpoint accuracy.

Have learning content created automatically!

With our automated content creation, learning content can be created and enhanced in as little as 20% of the usual time.

It’s that simple:

  1. Upload content source (PDF or URL) in our authoring tool the chunkx creator.

  2. Click on the “create” button, get fresh coffee and….voilà, have microlearning units created automatically in seconds.

  3. If necessary, continue to work on the tasks, add to them or change the order.

Get in touch with us!

You are interested in chunkx? Want to learn more about how chunkx can be used in your organization? The choice is yours: write us, just call or book a presentation appointment directly.

Rainer Fischer, Sales Manager
+49 211 936 74 9372

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