our chunkx blog

Check out our blog for background and updates on continuous learning, adaptive learning, micro-learning, AI, and how we’re using chunkx to amplify your learning.

Digital learning
Florian Stieler

Digital learning must complement, not replace

Digital learning is gaining in importance, because the digital transformation does not stop at learning. Continuing education in companies, organizations and learning opportunities offered by institutions are becoming increasingly digital. Current infection control measures additionally accelerate this development.
What we notice in conversations with new customers and interested parties is that the comparison between classroom situations and digital learning is often seen as an either-or, rather than a both-and decision. In our view, this view leaves a lot of untapped potential, because learning can only be designed in the best possible way if the strengths of analog and digital learning are combined.

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chunkx creator
Emilija Dodevska

Learning objectives in chunkx

We have released a new update of chunkx. We would like to briefly introduce one function from the update: Learning Objectives. From now on, our authors can add learning objectives to their channels in chunkx creator. This allows learners to be given a performance target and the results to be stored for documentation purposes.

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Florian Stieler

Digitally support learning transfer in companies

Continuing education in companies poses many challenges: Which content, for which target group, in which format, in which frequency, carried out by whom? Professional or layman, you can probably think of many more questions. In this article, we address the question of sustainability, which is complementary to the above: How do we ensure the sustainability of learning interventions? How do we ensure that after a training session all participants do not go over to their daily business and forget what they have learned? How can the transfer of learning take place?
We present different approaches and also show how we support you with chunkx to increase learning transfer and turn unique learning moments into sustainable learning experiences.

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chunkx creator
Florian Stieler

Content workshop: From boring quiz questions to challenging learning tasks

How can trainers, instructional designers, and eLearning authors properly use learning tasks? How do we use it to stimulate learning processes and not just test them? How do we go beyond learning factual knowledge with closed tasks? Learn more in this two-hour workshop. We are looking forward to your registration.

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Fairs, appearances, events
Florian Stieler

chunkx at ZP Europe Virtual 2020

We will be participating in ZP Europe Virtual 2020 from October 12-16. For one week, we are available for spontaneous video conversations around our adaptive learning app chunkx. We look forward to seeing and talking to you!

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Adaptive learning
Florian Stieler

Adaptive learning with chunkx

Adaptive learning and content sorting: Putting learning content in a meaningful order is one of the most basic tasks in creating digital learning content. In our authoring tool chunkx creator, we have recently started to offer our authors the possibility to either give a topic a fixed order or to let our algorithm choose the content according to the order. of the learner profile, i.e., to be selected adaptively. A fixed sequence is suitable, for example, when a topic is presented for the first time. Adaptive assignment, on the other hand, is more suitable when learning content is to be selected to complement training.
In this article, we explain why the settings option is so helpful, what the advantages and disadvantages of the two variants are, and describe in more detail how adaptive learning works in chunkx.

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About our blog

We are pursuing big goals with chunkx:

  1. Learning content should adaptively adjust to the individual.
  2. Learning should be allowed to take place both in a focused and continuous way, without any organizational effort on the part of the users.
  3. Continuous learning needs a solution on how to connect many topics for users.
  4. It also calls for solutions on how we can use every little moment to learn and break down the bulky walls that often hide good content.
  5. chunkx should work for any topic and give authors the flexibility to create and edit content themselves without a service provider.
  6. Learning spaces must be arranged and the user experience must not suffer from the complex functions.

To achieve these goals, chunkx is constantly being further developed. We will keep you up to date via our blog and newsletter. We regularly explain why we do things the way we do and provide insights into our conceptual thinking. Are you particularly interested in something and would you like to learn more about a topic? Feel free to write us using the contact form.

Contact us

You are interested in chunkx? Want to learn more about the possibilities of using chunkx in your company or organization? Then write to us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.